
tap-chargebee from hotgluexyz

Subscription billing software

The tap-chargebee Meltano extractor pulls data from Chargebee that can then be sent to a destination using a loader.

Other Available Variants

  • envoy
  • hotgluexyz (default)

Getting Started


If you haven't already, follow the initial steps of the Getting Started guide:

  1. Install Meltano
  2. Create your Meltano project

Installation and configuration

  1. Add the tap-chargebee extractor to your project using
    meltano add
  2. meltano add extractor tap-chargebee
  3. Configure the tap-chargebee settings using
    meltano config
  4. meltano config tap-chargebee set --interactive
  5. Test that extractor settings are valid using
    meltano test
  6. meltano test tap-chargebee

Next steps

If you run into any issues, learn how to get help.


The current capabilities for
may have been automatically set when originally added to the Hub. Please review the capabilities when using this extractor. If you find they are out of date, please consider updating them by making a pull request to the YAML file that defines the capabilities for this extractor.

This plugin has the following capabilities:

  • catalog
  • discover
  • state

You can override these capabilities or specify additional ones in your meltano.yml by adding the capabilities key.


The tap-chargebee settings that are known to Meltano are documented below. To quickly find the setting you're looking for, click on any setting name from the list:

You can override these settings or specify additional ones in your meltano.yml by adding the settings key.

Please consider adding any settings you have defined locally to this definition on MeltanoHub by making a pull request to the YAML file that defines the settings for this plugin.

API Key (api_key)

  • Environment variable: TAP_CHARGEBEE_API_KEY

Your Chargebee API Key

Site (site)

  • Environment variable: TAP_CHARGEBEE_SITE

Your Chargebee site {site}

Product Catalog (product_catalog)

  • Environment variable: TAP_CHARGEBEE_PRODUCT_CATALOG

The Chargebee product catalog you wish to use. Valid values are 1.0 or 2.0.

Start Date (start_date)

  • Environment variable: TAP_CHARGEBEE_START_DATE

Determines how much historical data will be extracted. Please be aware that the larger the time period and amount of data, the longer the initial extraction can be expected to take.

Select Fields By Default (select_fields_by_default)

  • Default Value: true

Select by default any new fields discovered in Quickbooks objects

State Message Threshold (state_message_threshold)

  • Default Value: 1000

Used to throttle how often STATE messages are generated when the tap is using the “REST” API.

This is a balance between not slowing down execution due to too many STATE messages produced and how many records must be fetched again if a tap fails unexpectedly. Defaults to 1000 (generate a STATE message every 1000 records).

Max Workers (max_workers)

  • Environment variable: TAP_CHARGEBEE_MAX_WORKERS
  • Default Value: 8

Maximum number of threads to use

Something missing?

This page is generated from a YAML file that you can contribute changes to.

Edit it on GitHub!

Looking for help?

If you're having trouble getting the tap-chargebee extractor to work, look for an existing issue in its repository, file a new issue, or join the Meltano Slack community and ask for help in the


meltano add extractor tap-chargebee

Maintenance Status

  • Maintenance Status
  • Stars
  • Forks
  • Open Issues
  • Open PRs
  • Contributors
  • License


  • Hotglue

Meltano Stats

  • Total Executions (Last 3 Months)
  • Projects (Last 3 Months)


  • api